Remember Us is in the Oscar-Qualified Animated Shorts guide in the printed edition of Animation Magazine. Not sure how this all has evolved, but a huge honor to be amongst these great films
Yea yea yea sure Daredevil, whatever. I'm just glad this man got his pair of sneakers. A good ending.#SheHulk
Yea that's so funny
Need Warner Bros to stop being cowards and hire me and a bunch of badasses to work on a Batman Beyond animated feature.
Mondays, right?
Reposting it cause it's still one of my favorite pieces. Trying to develop this further and see how I can use it in some upcoming projects
Still thinking about this one.
Right before Covid hit, I did a little bit of Vis Dev for a short produced by Asifa for Unicef, directed by Tom Caulfield, and animated by Seneca college in Canada. I finally got to watch it, it came out great, and some of these made it in entirely too!
Al fin vi el documental el documental de "Las tres muertes de Marisela Escobedo". Ya ni siquiera siento, solo existo en plano de decepción
It's a lot of this but also rocks and buildings. Yeah got em'!
While we're all here, I wanted to highlight 's short I've been giving a hand here and there, and it looks pretty great too. I hope we can share more of that soon too! That's all on the indie animation sphere on my end.
We're officially finished with #RememberUsShortFilm. Hoping we can get into a few festivals before we put this one up publicly. Thanks everyone that have put up with me being terribly annoying about this filmGonna down some beers, decompress, and onto the next thing!
We got some good news coming up for #RememberUsShortFilm and can't wait share more soon. This is a passion project that focuses a lot on memory, and people just living through almost surreal experiences and trying their best to make the best out of it.