I'm almost done with my Alisaie fanart but I gotta finish some commissions first
It's Abbacchio's day again 🎉
Ranni from Elden Ring for this month's character voted by my beloved p*treons ♥️
Ready to slay 💅 #SPYxFamily
🥄Psychic pals🥄 I love the three of them ♥️✨
Kobeni trying to be positive while Twitter keeps destroying itself
I drew Aki and instantly did the meme thing on him #chainsawman
Zanka NijikI'm in love with so many Gachiakuta characters and wanna draw a lot #gachiagang
I may be making Pokemon S/V stickers would you like a pack of them?At least have those as free icons
I finished orange! Green suggest green characters! I'm starting to see the light, thank you everyone for suggesting characters
Green done! Deep blue character suggestions time Thank you everyone for your support on this
Deep blue done! Someone got lost Just pink left~ Suggest pink characters
It's done! With pink for the last one Thank you everyone for your suggestions and support through this