I hardly ever draw the Joker -- if I did, he'd probably look something like this
Quick late night Locomotive-Dunker
designs and color tests for Rook and Sarge
Toni Blum and Charles Nicholas' THE RED BEE #allstartober
Flattering question! I carry a lot of these designs in my head, especially as they evolve over the course of the seasons, but the closest to a proper Black Note design sketch would be these (from S2 and S3 respectively)
Kevin O'Neill's Edward Hyde remains one of the all-time great comic character designs, RIP to a truly enormous talent
"Is he LIVING or is he DEAD? -- is he MAN or is he MONSTER? -- That is for YOU to decide!!"
Do the job you love and the job will love you back
One of my favorite quirks of the Batman mythos is that this tortured billionaire judo detective is best friends with a dad named "Jim"
The Master of Men
Kids these days. Can't tell the DIFFERENCE between just plain OLD and CLASSIC.