Los Simpsons opening character designs. Like everything we make, I always start with the characters first. I have doodled Simpsons characters my whole life so this was a crazy experience for me.
I challenge all animation film directors to start having more fun with their press photos!
Dang it! I think this school teacher design looks familiar.
the sequel
I had to cut out the eyes cause I couldn't see the teleprompter !
sometimes I wonder if these old school artists knew they were so bad ass and their work would be forever and people would ask them to sign their bodies
Good eye! Gerald de Jesus was working on TMNT and he and Ciro Nieli, the showrunner, asked me to design this. Gerry was the art director on El Tigre (after Roman Laney left). Gerry would go on to work on Book of Life and was the art director on Maya and the Three. I've been friends with him and Ciro since Mucha Lucha.
the muse doodled an old friend