romansの検索結果 5

  • 「romans」のTwitter画像/イラスト(新着))

    Io #Vulcanalia! OTD August 23, Romans celebrated Vulcan's festival by building large bonfires outside of the cities and throwing live fish and small animals into the flames #ClassicsTwitter #AncMedTwitter

  • 「romans」のTwitter画像/イラスト(新着))

    Io #Neptunalia! Around July 23rd, the Romans celebrated the ocean god Neptune with games and feasting #ClassicsTwitter

  • 「romans」のTwitter画像/イラスト(新着))

    King of the gods, ruler of the skies, and protector of Rome; Jupiter #OTD Sept 13, the Romans celebrated the 'Epulum Jovis', a ritual feast which marked the dedication of his Capitoline temple in 509 BCE

  • 「romans」のTwitter画像/イラスト(新着))

    Small sneak peek!Roman inspired painting coming tonight! #art #illustration #romans #fantasy

  • 「romans」のTwitter画像/イラスト(新着))

    It's my name week! 🌻💃 ✨ April 28-May 3 the Romans celebrated the Floralia, a festival honouring Flora, the goddess of flowers and fertility 🌻