Beware the Ides #OTD 44BCE, Julius Caesar was assassinated by his senators in response to his claims to power #ClassicsTwitter #AncMedTwitter
Happy Quinquatria everyone! This Roman festival honoured Minerva and was held from March 19-23 whilst welcoming in the Spring Equinox #AncMedTwitter #ClassicsTwitter
Io #Neptunalia! Around July 23rd, the Romans celebrated the ocean god Neptune with games and feasting #ClassicsTwitter
Today is the Equirria! this was a Roman chariot racing festival honouring the god Mars held every Feb 27 and March 14 #AncMedTwitter #ClassicsTwitter
Apollo says happy summer solstice everyone!! #ClassicsTwitter #SummerSolstice
The Colchian Dragon The fearsome guard of the golden fleece disgorging Jason, based on a scene from a redfigure kylix January's subject theme was "dragon" to celebrate the upcoming Lunar New Year #AncMedTwitter #ClassicsTwitter
It's #WorldBeeDay so I drew my favourite Roman apiarist, Vergil #ClassicsTwitter #AncMedTwitter
Autumn in Pompeii It's a bright, crisp morning in Pompeii, and some friends are meeting for a stroll. Hmm, thats funny, that cloud almost looks like it's coming out of Vesuvius… #ClassicsTwitter #AncMedTwitter
The OG lycanthrope #ClassicsTober23 day 4: Lycaon , who was transformed into a wolf by the god Zeus #ClassicsTwitter
Io #Mercuralia to my fav! OTD May 15, Roman merchants celebrated Mercury's festival by sprinkling sacred water on their ships, goods, and themselves for good fortune in business. #ClassicsTwitter #AncMedTwitter
Io #Vulcanalia! OTD August 23, Romans celebrated Vulcan's festival by building large bonfires outside of the cities and throwing live fish and small animals into the flames #ClassicsTwitter #AncMedTwitter