Closer look + facial hair versionRealizing Lino looks so similar to Olruggio was groundbreaking for me just add a beard and there you have it
Closer look + facial hair versionRealizing Lino looks so similar to Olruggio was groundbreaking for me just add a beard and there you have it
my #SecretSTAYspookster2022 piece for the wonderful some binchan chasing local vampire lino! I hope you like it and have a spooky halloween
lino #skzfanart
lino ripndip kitty pants asglksghlkgj i'm cryin cuz they censored the middle finger with a star
lino ripndip kitty pants asglksghlkgj i'm cryin cuz they censored the middle finger with a star
予約開始 #若隠居のススメ 2 ~ペットと家庭菜園で気ままなのんびり生活。の、はず #JUN #LINO 「うちに四神獣が集まるなんてね」 「みんなで温泉でも行くか!」 仲良しコンビの穏やか(?)な日常をぜひ コミカライズキャラデザも収録! ▼10/10発売!