動画投稿【メイキング】FireAlpaca(ファイアアルパカ)でロゴを作ってみた!【制作解説】▷ ◁フィルターに「和柄」があるの良いですね!「鱗」のサイズと角度を変えることでポリゴン柄にしました!※今回は肉声無しで文字のみの解説です#ロゴデザイン #ロゴ制作
For those who are wondering what the 3 other examples are: They are: - FireAlpaca - Krita - SAI I'd also recommend Medibang, Blender, Ibispaint They're really good
For those who are wondering what the 3 other examples are: They are: - FireAlpaca - Krita - SAI I'd also recommend Medibang, Blender, Ibispaint They're really good
For those who are wondering what the 3 other examples are: They are: - FireAlpaca - Krita - SAI I'd also recommend Medibang, Blender, Ibispaint They're really good