Ramona Flowers is a complete dork who jokes around, really digs Scott and is also sometimes the more goofier one! The comic hammers home that they have a really sweet chemistry. I really like comic Ramona, and she's super relatable? #ScottPilgrimIs10 #ScottPilgrim
More comic stuff: Ramona is waaay more human, she gets jealous of a long time female friend of Scott's (only name dropped in the movie), she gets insecure, shes got layers. She's allowed to express herself, even the more negative stuff. #ScottPilgrim
More comic stuff that the movie doesn't have: Scott and Ramona are super in love despite the messiness of their pasts, and everyone around them is annoyed for them being That Couple. (I love it because im a sucker for this lovey shit❤️) #ScottPilgrim #ScottPilgrimIs10
This part of the comic always makes me feel a certain way ?? #ScottPilgrim #ScottPilgrimIs10 #RamonaFlowers
I really really vibe with this right now ? #ScottPilgrim #ScottPilgrimIs10 #RamonaFlowers
when people act like Indigenous people are all gone 💀
Where it gets potentially dangerous is if real world groups of people are depicted in nefarious ways. We have a whole genre of War Time propaganda from the 40's that wanted to influence folks to buy war bonds and unite against their enemies. For example,
A cool pic from around 1952 from my family's homelands. I believe this is the old Chief! Not sure if there's a family relation but still from our community ☺️ check out those amazing ribbon skirts! ❤️❤️
//MMIW Made a little thing for today. Gone but not forgotten. No more exploitation. Info & resources: https://t.co/sdlyLMDQQo #MMIWG2S #MMIW #Indigenous
honestly ty nova for validating my feelings abt this https://t.co/m6dZyKqSGn
doodle of two of my ocs, they're both scene and Native 🥰
No I'll never shut up about Snotgirl ?
my partner always comments about my birb's lil black eyes being a void 😩🦜