
    Looking back on a lot of my art, I wonder "why"

    Looking back on a lot of my art, I wonder


    Polly Polly! Yes, Polly is her last name too. An "old" character of mine I made for a autism awareness thing thay never happened in the first place, i'm still mad about it.

    Polly Polly! Yes, Polly is her last name too.
An "old" character of mine I made for a autism awareness thing thay never happened in the first place, i'm still mad about it.
    Polly Polly! Yes, Polly is her last name too.
An "old" character of mine I made for a autism awareness thing thay never happened in the first place, i'm still mad about it.
    Polly Polly! Yes, Polly is her last name too.
An "old" character of mine I made for a autism awareness thing thay never happened in the first place, i'm still mad about it.

    funny child

    funny child

    yeah I know, this joke is dead

    yeah I know, this joke is dead

    Wait it's... Pride month? Huh, Ah hell, heres an old doodle of a lot of couples i've made, most commonly by accident hehe.

    Wait it's... Pride month? Huh, Ah hell, heres an old doodle of a lot of couples i've made, most commonly by accident hehe.