Sin of Ballads@falladofpin

    Fuyuwa W Laksmi! She's a robot assistant with a rather cold attitude for being a machine..

    Fuyuwa W Laksmi! She's a robot assistant with a rather cold attitude for being a machine..
    Fuyuwa W Laksmi! She's a robot assistant with a rather cold attitude for being a machine..
    Sin of Ballads@falladofpin

    Jack frost, And other frosts! I can just never get enough of this guy.

    Jack frost, And other frosts! I can just never get enough of this guy.
    Sin of Ballads@falladofpin

    Attempt number one at "drawing" with my left hand, mission - for the most part unsuccessful, i'm in actual real life physical pain.

    Attempt number one at "drawing" with my left hand, mission - for the most part unsuccessful, i'm in actual real life physical pain.
    Sin of Ballads@falladofpin

    funny skeleton.

    funny skeleton.
    Sin of Ballads@falladofpin

    Let's try this one more time..... I'm opening up a NEW public discord server for just about anybody that uses discord really! Some way to mpre directly connect to people that might follow my on twitter, woop woop

    Let's try this one more time.....
I'm opening up a NEW public discord server for just about anybody that uses discord really! Some way to mpre directly connect to people that might follow my on twitter, woop woop