🍌🐠 Reshi@re_shille

    Time to put my favourite japanese boy into the clothes I like... Black hat, baggy jackets. I'm slowly trying to practice poses again. D: Gonna color this soon. Any ideas, what I could put into the window o3o? #BANANAFISH

    Time to put my favourite japanese boy into the clothes I like... Black hat, baggy jackets. I'm slowly trying to practice poses again. D: Gonna color this soon.

Any ideas, what I could put into the window o3o?
    🍌🐠 Reshi@re_shille

    Slooowly slide in my #asheijji sketch from yesterday night again, because I fixed the anatomy xD there's a lot to do, I'm planning a bigger project with them ??

    Slooowly slide in my #asheijji sketch from yesterday night again, because I fixed the anatomy xD there's a lot to do, I'm planning a bigger project with them ??
    🍌🐠 Reshi@re_shille

    Guess what I watched recently? ?? Join me, I really want to talk about this

    Guess what I watched recently? ?? Join me, I really want to talk about this
    🍌🐠 Reshi@re_shille

    You remember my OC Cymbeline? Here's his lover, design and name needs still to be found?

    You remember my OC Cymbeline? Here's his lover, design and name needs still to be found?
    🍌🐠 Reshi@re_shille

    Experimenting with perspective and poses for my contribution for the Hunter x Hunter Downtime zine ?

    Experimenting with perspective and poses for my contribution for the Hunter x Hunter Downtime zine ?

