zen 🪽🪶@nodplus50pts

    this is just right

    this is just right
    zen 🪽🪶@nodplus50pts

    the most iconic panel in anything ever

    the most iconic panel in anything ever
    zen 🪽🪶@nodplus50pts

    i miss devilman

    i miss devilman
    zen 🪽🪶@nodplus50pts

    thinking abt how upon being asked what name lucifer should call lucilius he said to call him any name that separated from the other researchers.... and how lucifer chose to call him tomo mere hours after his awakening... his friend.... i can't

    thinking abt how upon being asked what name lucifer should call lucilius he said to call him any name that separated from the other researchers.... and how lucifer chose to call him tomo mere hours after his awakening... his friend.... i can't
    zen 🪽🪶@nodplus50pts

    feru pchat part 1/? 🤍🐟

    feru pchat part 1/?  🤍🐟