чёрт 👁@mon_chert

    DOODLE DUMP!!! my favourite bits from the last streams dnsjdnns btw this my first time drawing fundy and havent drawn a fox before so aaaa also s...su..sus...sus today.... #cookee #tubbofanart #fundyfanart #ranboofanart #beetwt #bootwt #fundy #dsmpfanart #mcytfanart @ranbooart

    DOODLE DUMP!!! my favourite bits from the last streams dnsjdnns
btw this my first time drawing fundy and havent drawn a fox before so aaaa

also s...su..sus...sus today....
#cookee #tubbofanart #fundyfanart #ranboofanart #beetwt #bootwt #fundy #dsmpfanart #mcytfanart @ranbooart
    DOODLE DUMP!!! my favourite bits from the last streams dnsjdnns
btw this my first time drawing fundy and havent drawn a fox before so aaaa

also s...su..sus...sus today....
#cookee #tubbofanart #fundyfanart #ranboofanart #beetwt #bootwt #fundy #dsmpfanart #mcytfanart @ranbooart
    DOODLE DUMP!!! my favourite bits from the last streams dnsjdnns
btw this my first time drawing fundy and havent drawn a fox before so aaaa

also s...su..sus...sus today....
#cookee #tubbofanart #fundyfanart #ranboofanart #beetwt #bootwt #fundy #dsmpfanart #mcytfanart @ranbooart
    чёрт 👁@mon_chert

    im doing a real big mcyt project that i might publish or not but here's some practice sketches of wilbur since he's main character numero dos 👍👍👍 trying out a new style for this (untag + rtwts appreciated!!) #wilbursoot #wilbursootfanart #soottwt #mcytfanart @WilburSoot

    im doing a real big mcyt project that i might publish or not but here's some practice sketches of wilbur since he's main character numero dos 👍👍👍 trying out a new style for this

(untag + rtwts appreciated!!)
#wilbursoot #wilbursootfanart #soottwt #mcytfanart @WilburSoot
    чёрт 👁@mon_chert

    new sona ref but the sketches get progressively lower in effort meet rice! aka chert #ocart #originalcharacter #sona #чёрт

    new sona ref but the sketches get progressively lower in effort
meet rice! aka chert 

#ocart #originalcharacter #sona #чёрт
    new sona ref but the sketches get progressively lower in effort
meet rice! aka chert 

#ocart #originalcharacter #sona #чёрт
    чёрт 👁@mon_chert

    random ghostboo doodles and also fullbody proportion stuff idk

    random ghostboo doodles and also fullbody proportion stuff idk
    чёрт 👁@mon_chert

    got bored in jap class and doodled this in the margins of my pdf something about an angel finding its true self

    got bored in jap class and doodled this in the margins of my pdf
something about an angel finding its true self