чёрт 👁@mon_chert

    ranboo really went https://t.co/0jtrAWXyuH

    ranboo really went https://t.co/0jtrAWXyuH
    чёрт 👁@mon_chert

    [wip] i just think that snakes another shitpost in the works aha

    [wip] i just think that snakes

another shitpost in the works aha
    чёрт 👁@mon_chert

    this is incomprehensible

    this is incomprehensible
    чёрт 👁@mon_chert

    have a friend. their name is marrow. sometimes he has bugs in his mouth but thats ok

    have a friend. their name is marrow.
sometimes he has bugs in his mouth but thats ok
    чёрт 👁@mon_chert

    7) items ranboo carries a variety of items which are included in tbr:s and are needed in a survival situation, however there are also certain unique items he possesses

    7) items

ranboo carries a variety of items which are included in tbr:s and are needed in a survival situation, however there are also certain unique items he possesses