DnD but it's just our Goblin eating the coffee grinds and using the filter like a tortilla
Himbo Campaign is confirmed. I'm just playing a version of Wizard Howl, where because I can't add a Lycanthrope curse, he just *thinks* he's a Wizard Inflicted With Lycanthropy
Compliments from girls go hard
this happens every session
Work today
Me rn, feeling very loved by my online community after a really stressful month :'))))))
For no reason in particular, don't think too hard about it
Today is two years since Alexis passed and I wanted to make a comic about the experience thus far (1/3)
This is a scheduled tweet because otherwise I *will* forget, yeehaw 🤠🎂
Me: yeah? Dio: 𝓨𝓔𝓔𝓐𝓐𝓐𝓐𝓐𝓗