Abby Howard@AbbyHoward

    She doesn't even stick around after making her WWE entrance, she just leaves, her work complete.

    She doesn't even stick around after making her WWE entrance, she just leaves, her work complete.
    Abby Howard@AbbyHoward

    Which of today's disgusting haunted items shall we harvest for the haunted Spoons plushes?

    Which of today's disgusting haunted items shall we harvest for the haunted Spoons plushes?
    Which of today's disgusting haunted items shall we harvest for the haunted Spoons plushes?
    Which of today's disgusting haunted items shall we harvest for the haunted Spoons plushes?
    Abby Howard@AbbyHoward

    I had a REALLY good description for this one, if I could just remember what it was. The Spoons plush imbued with this particular spirit will always disappear long enough for you to forget about it, only to reappear in places you swear you never left it.

    I had a REALLY good description for this one, if I could just remember what it was.
The Spoons plush imbued with this particular spirit will always disappear long enough for you to forget about it, only to reappear in places you swear you never left it.
    Abby Howard@AbbyHoward

    It's 7:30pm on a Sunday and I wanna do this again, except THIS time, instead of pickin and choosin to suit my style, I'll do the first six suggestions no matter what they are (unless they are racist)

    It's 7:30pm on a Sunday and I wanna do this again, except THIS time, instead of pickin and choosin to suit my style, I'll do the first six suggestions no matter what they are 
(unless they are racist)
    Abby Howard@AbbyHoward

    Just lettin y'all know I'll be doing a livestream on twitch tomorrow around 11:30am EST! I'll be taking sketch requests from Kickstarter backers (and a few from non-KS backers if it goes long enough)

    Just lettin y'all know I'll be doing a livestream on twitch tomorrow around 11:30am EST! I'll be taking sketch requests from Kickstarter backers (and a few from non-KS backers if it goes long enough)

