Tofumang 🍃@tofumang_

    i've been going nuts trying to find a satisfactory style so i stopped and took some time to develop one and I think I've finally frigin done it also lmk which one is ur fav sketch

    i've been going nuts trying to find a satisfactory style so i stopped and took some time to develop one and I think I've finally frigin done it

also lmk which one is ur fav sketch
    Tofumang 🍃@tofumang_

    @BeasttrollMC congratz on that godly play :O well done my guy

    @BeasttrollMC congratz on that godly play :O well done my guy
    Tofumang 🍃@tofumang_

    @genericgarbage1 It was actually a Kimi no na wa sketch in my notebook at first and then I wanted to draw Raphtalia when I transferred it to my computer

    @genericgarbage1 It was actually a Kimi no na wa sketch in my notebook at first and then I wanted to draw Raphtalia when I transferred it to my computer
    Tofumang 🍃@tofumang_


    Tofumang 🍃@tofumang_

