So I redrew an old drawing from a little over a year ago... I think more people need to know that improvement doesn't need to be slow and gradual. If there's anything I've learned over the last year, it's that HOW you practice is far more important than HOW MUCH you practice.
Another improvement thing, but over only two months this time Ive been doing a ton of body studies lately so I like to test myself by redrawing old art, and it's rly fun ^ ^
Heya I'm going to @AnimeExpo this year for my very first con everr! I'm so so so excited Plz let me know if you'll be going there too! (Just going for fun, not as an official artist)
Youtuber fanart present #1 goes to: @EmirichuYT Apparently Im the same age as her when she drew the manga featured in her last video (16), so I was inspired to make a parody of one of the scenes :> Early Merry Christmas!
@BeasttrollMC congratz on that godly play :O well done my guy
i made an absolute trash manga to practice for the manga contest at @AnimeExpo remember to read right to left (cringe warning)
#sketchtember Day 4 - Shoes crocs are the superior shoe
random quik sketch "plz let me blow up !!"
sry haven't had much time to draw lately T_T but here take this art study i did a while ago I seriously need to do this stuff way more it's sooo helpful