"Wanted dead or alive", prompt 12. on the 22nd day of August. WINNING anyway take this dumb comic abt Bolton. is it rude to steal the giant g/hib/li tears? i just like drawing them u_u

    "Wanted dead or alive", prompt 12. on the 22nd day of August. WINNING anyway take this dumb comic abt Bolton. is it rude to steal the giant g/hib/li tears? i just like drawing them u_u
    "Wanted dead or alive", prompt 12. on the 22nd day of August. WINNING anyway take this dumb comic abt Bolton. is it rude to steal the giant g/hib/li tears? i just like drawing them u_u

    with the rest of my night abt to be taken up im 100% not getting this done tonight u_u which i am super irritated about but whateverrr yeehawseptember LMAO remember 2 save ur stuff All The Time, folks.....................

    with the rest of my night abt to be taken up im 100% not getting this done tonight u_u which i am super irritated about but whateverrr yeehawseptember LMAO remember 2 save ur stuff All The Time, folks.....................
    with the rest of my night abt to be taken up im 100% not getting this done tonight u_u which i am super irritated about but whateverrr yeehawseptember LMAO remember 2 save ur stuff All The Time, folks.....................

    im actually not sure if i posted this already or not??? i dotn think i did, because i didnt already have a resized copy of it. and also its .... not great but it'll do for the prompt LOL angry posie

    im actually not sure if i posted this already or not??? i dotn think i did, because i didnt already have a resized copy of it. and also its .... not great but it'll do for the prompt LOL angry posie



    so there's a thing happening where we show comic pages? LESSEE HERE. Not going TOO far back because No, but: First two were both apparently 2015 somehow??? Weird. Baby!Maj comic was 2018 and then of course the Eustace one is 2019. (These aren't all first pages but. bear w/me)

    so there's a thing happening where we show comic pages? LESSEE HERE. Not going TOO far back because No, but:

First two were both apparently 2015 somehow??? Weird. Baby!Maj comic was 2018 and then of course the Eustace one is 2019.

(These aren't all first pages but. bear w/me)
    so there's a thing happening where we show comic pages? LESSEE HERE. Not going TOO far back because No, but:

First two were both apparently 2015 somehow??? Weird. Baby!Maj comic was 2018 and then of course the Eustace one is 2019.

(These aren't all first pages but. bear w/me)
    so there's a thing happening where we show comic pages? LESSEE HERE. Not going TOO far back because No, but:

First two were both apparently 2015 somehow??? Weird. Baby!Maj comic was 2018 and then of course the Eustace one is 2019.

(These aren't all first pages but. bear w/me)
    so there's a thing happening where we show comic pages? LESSEE HERE. Not going TOO far back because No, but:

First two were both apparently 2015 somehow??? Weird. Baby!Maj comic was 2018 and then of course the Eustace one is 2019.

(These aren't all first pages but. bear w/me)

