mena 🍂@Menadoensis_

    04 - SPELL Voodoo in the Bayou! Baptiste, the voodoo leader, from assassin to templar. ??? #Digitober #Inktober #Inktober2018 #InktoberAssassins #AssassinsCreed #AssassinsCreedLiberation #ACFinest @assassinscreed @Ubisoft

    04 - SPELL
Voodoo in the Bayou! Baptiste, the voodoo leader, from assassin to templar. ???
#Digitober #Inktober #Inktober2018 #InktoberAssassins #AssassinsCreed #AssassinsCreedLiberation #ACFinest @assassinscreed @Ubisoft
    mena 🍂@Menadoensis_

    06 - CHOICE The Choice™ #Digitober #Inktober #Inktober2018 #InktoberAssassins #AssassinsCreed #AssassinsCreed3 #ACFinest @assassinscreed @Ubisoft

    06 - CHOICE
The Choice™ 
#Digitober #Inktober #Inktober2018 #InktoberAssassins #AssassinsCreed #AssassinsCreed3 #ACFinest @assassinscreed @Ubisoft
    mena 🍂@Menadoensis_

    07 - EXHAUSTED « Requiescat in pace, fratello mio. » #Digitober #Inktober #Inktober2018 #InktoberAssassins #AssassinsCreed #AssassinsCreedRevelations #ACFinest @assassinscreed @Ubisoft

    07 - EXHAUSTED
« Requiescat in pace, fratello mio. »
#Digitober #Inktober #Inktober2018 #InktoberAssassins #AssassinsCreed #AssassinsCreedRevelations #ACFinest @assassinscreed @Ubisoft
    mena 🍂@Menadoensis_

    08 - DESTINY The whole scene of Ezio meeting Desmond & what followed was one of the greatest moments in the AC serie. ? #Digitober #Inktober #Inktober2018 #InktoberAssassins #AssassinsCreed #AssassinsCreedRevelations #ACFinest @assassinscreed @Ubisoft

    08 - DESTINY
The whole scene of Ezio meeting Desmond & what followed was one of the greatest moments in the AC serie. ?
#Digitober #Inktober #Inktober2018 #InktoberAssassins #AssassinsCreed #AssassinsCreedRevelations #ACFinest @assassinscreed @Ubisoft
    mena 🍂@Menadoensis_

    09 - BROTHERS They lived happily ever after and no one will convince me otherwise ? #Digitober #Inktober #Inktober2018 #InktoberAssassins #AssassinsCreed #AssassinsCreed2 #ACFinest @assassinscreed @Ubisoft

    09 - BROTHERS
They lived happily ever after and no one will convince me otherwise ?
#Digitober #Inktober #Inktober2018 #InktoberAssassins #AssassinsCreed #AssassinsCreed2 #ACFinest @assassinscreed @Ubisoft