
    /mha311 I keep thinking about this; Enji calls Izuku by his hero name and Hawks uses his real name; I can't help but think that's because Enji has been around him so long he sees him as a colleague, not to mention Deku helps him in their fight against A4O. As for Hawks+

I keep thinking about this; Enji calls Izuku by his hero name and Hawks uses his real name; I can't help but think that's because Enji has been around him so long he sees him as a colleague, not to mention Deku helps him in their fight against A4O. As for Hawks+
I keep thinking about this; Enji calls Izuku by his hero name and Hawks uses his real name; I can't help but think that's because Enji has been around him so long he sees him as a colleague, not to mention Deku helps him in their fight against A4O. As for Hawks+

    /bnha spoilers What a dork lol Ofc he's memorized all the themes including obscure tv specials and OFC All Might uses them for his work phone. 2 peas in a pod

    /bnha spoilers
What a dork lol Ofc he's memorized all the themes including obscure tv specials and OFC All Might uses them for his work phone. 2 peas in a pod

    #BNHA313 #bnhaspoilers Holy shit be still my heart. Deku facing a professional assassin 'somewhat' alone without panicking and making a plan on the fly and having an endgame where he WINS & DEMANDS ANSWERS. I cannot handle how badass

    #BNHA313 #bnhaspoilers 
Holy shit be still my heart. Deku facing a professional assassin 'somewhat' alone without panicking and making a plan on the fly and having an endgame where he WINS & DEMANDS ANSWERS. I cannot handle how badass
    #BNHA313 #bnhaspoilers 
Holy shit be still my heart. Deku facing a professional assassin 'somewhat' alone without panicking and making a plan on the fly and having an endgame where he WINS & DEMANDS ANSWERS. I cannot handle how badass

    #bnha313 #bnhaspoilers So does the smoke come out of his pores? But not his face? lmao I wonder if he got startled or shy if he'd just WHUMPF into a cloud of smoke 😂

    #bnha313 #bnhaspoilers 
So does the smoke come out of his pores? But not his face? lmao I wonder if he got startled or shy if he'd just WHUMPF into a cloud of smoke 😂

    Doodle @TsunderesLover won with their very on point guess of my choice of poison uwu I'm very into Bakugou refusing to share a shelter until he's sopping wet and finally concedes to share LOL I want to finisshhh iiiit #bkdk

    Doodle @TsunderesLover won with their very on point guess of my choice of poison uwu 

I'm very into Bakugou refusing to share a shelter until he's sopping wet and finally concedes to share LOL I want to finisshhh iiiit

