ph☆e chuckchilled@popplioikawa

    oooh you wanna kiss me so bad oh shit oh fuck

    oooh you wanna kiss me so bad oh shit oh fuck
    ph☆e chuckchilled@popplioikawa

    ... the slowest possible progress is still progress

    ... the slowest possible progress is still progress
    ph☆e chuckchilled@popplioikawa

    lineart takes so much focus... so much brain and hand energy ,,, i want to go back to sketching

    lineart takes so much focus... so much brain and hand energy ,,, i want to go back to sketching
    lineart takes so much focus... so much brain and hand energy ,,, i want to go back to sketching
    ph☆e chuckchilled@popplioikawa

    guess i'm just doodling iwaoi to self-soothe tonight

    guess i'm just doodling iwaoi to self-soothe tonight
    ph☆e chuckchilled@popplioikawa

    i've been sleeping so long in a twenty-year dark night, and now i see daylight

    i've been sleeping so long in a twenty-year dark night, and now i see daylight