ph☆e chuckchilled@popplioikawa

    work on this... go to bed at 9:15pm... who will win

    work on this... go to bed at 9:15pm... who will win
    ph☆e chuckchilled@popplioikawa

    me 38 seconds after planting a seed

    me 38 seconds after planting a seed
    ph☆e chuckchilled@popplioikawa

    me, absolutely twisted, buying a load of identical brown paints vs. me organizing my colours the next day with a palette full of identical brown paints

    me, absolutely twisted, buying a load of identical brown paints


me organizing my colours the next day with a palette full of identical brown paints
    ph☆e chuckchilled@popplioikawa

    my ships for the 7 are obviously antiope/penny and katja/ostentatia

    my ships for the 7 are obviously antiope/penny and katja/ostentatia
    my ships for the 7 are obviously antiope/penny and katja/ostentatia
    ph☆e chuckchilled@popplioikawa

    "wym obviously?" ok just look at them

    "wym obviously?" ok just look at them