
    Daily sketch #8 Something different today, my good old #Fallout ghoul OC Lazarus.

    Daily sketch #8
 Something different today, my good old #Fallout  ghoul OC Lazarus.

    Here is my first Shadow Isles inspired fan-concept, Calopsia. Thank you so much for the feedback, TB Choi! I grew a lot thanks to it.

    Here is my first Shadow Isles inspired fan-concept, Calopsia.
Thank you so much for the feedback, TB Choi! I grew a lot thanks to it.
    Here is my first Shadow Isles inspired fan-concept, Calopsia.
Thank you so much for the feedback, TB Choi! I grew a lot thanks to it.
    Here is my first Shadow Isles inspired fan-concept, Calopsia.
Thank you so much for the feedback, TB Choi! I grew a lot thanks to it.