Mikey Heller@yoyorobot

    everything with the warner discovery merger is driving me absolutely insane

    everything with the warner discovery merger is driving me absolutely insane
    Mikey Heller@yoyorobot

    Big Comics Weekend at @heavymannerslib! Fri 9/30 7pm Comics O'Clock, featuring: @mobblele @sophieyanow Ryan Cecil Smith @baby__mango @aminder_d @GrahamChaffee and @MercWorks

    Big Comics Weekend at @heavymannerslib!
Fri 9/30 7pm Comics O'Clock, featuring: @mobblele @sophieyanow Ryan Cecil Smith @baby__mango @aminder_d @GrahamChaffee and @MercWorks
    Mikey Heller@yoyorobot

    THEN Sat 10/1 noon-7, it's the Heavy Manners Comics Fair featuring: @alisonzai @JoshPettinger @Sam_Grinberg Keiji Ishida @Seodles @AlabasterPizzo @alecrobbins @ccnr_b @richiepope @thenicoleham Lili Todd @krismukai and @ArlinSmiles

    THEN Sat 10/1 noon-7, it's the Heavy Manners Comics Fair
featuring: @alisonzai @JoshPettinger @Sam_Grinberg Keiji Ishida @Seodles @AlabasterPizzo @alecrobbins @ccnr_b @richiepope @thenicoleham Lili Todd @krismukai and @ArlinSmiles
    Mikey Heller@yoyorobot

    i drew a comic about a newstand

    i drew a comic about a newstand
    Mikey Heller@yoyorobot

    i drew a comic about God and Satan

    i drew a comic about God and Satan