shaun 🩸@notamutemain

    #Siegetober DAY 4: SWEET sweet scent with a bitter taste #RainbowSixSiege

    #Siegetober DAY 4: SWEET

sweet scent with a bitter taste

    shaun 🩸@notamutemain

    tw// gore/body horror #Siegetober DAY 6: HUNT a bit of a monster twist of a hunter ? I'm a day behind but I'll try to catch up soon <3 #RainbowSixSiege #R6community

    tw// gore/body horror
#Siegetober DAY 6: HUNT

a bit of a monster twist of a hunter ?

I'm a day behind but I'll try to catch up soon <3 

#RainbowSixSiege #R6community
    shaun 🩸@notamutemain

    tw// gore/body horror #Siegetober DAY 8/9/10 triple post to catch up `:D #RainbowSixSiege

    tw// gore/body horror
#Siegetober DAY 8/9/10

triple post to catch up `:D

    tw// gore/body horror
#Siegetober DAY 8/9/10

triple post to catch up `:D

    tw// gore/body horror
#Siegetober DAY 8/9/10

triple post to catch up `:D

    shaun 🩸@notamutemain

    love my friends

    love my friends
    shaun 🩸@notamutemain

    #Siegetober DAY 12: HBD FUZE sorry to twitch ;-; but I'm a day late so this was a quick freehand #RainbowSixSiege

    #Siegetober DAY 12: HBD FUZE

sorry to twitch ;-; but I'm a day late so this was a quick freehand


