Mikael 💙💛🍉@lindebergart

    cleaning my ipad and there is like a full 5page clintucky comic in here

    cleaning my ipad and there is like a full 5page clintucky comic in here
    cleaning my ipad and there is like a full 5page clintucky comic in here
    Mikael 💙💛🍉@lindebergart

    I'm feeling generous so please have these too (from the same comic)

    I'm feeling generous so please have these too (from the same comic)
    Mikael 💙💛🍉@lindebergart

    I have to say these two took MANY tries to get right (pic 3 & 4 are early sketches). I bought & read every goddamn tutorial book/zine on how to draw 1. old people and 2. suits while designing Rutger. It paid off tho cuz he ended up hot

    I have to say these two took MANY tries to get right (pic 3 & 4 are early sketches). I bought & read every goddamn tutorial book/zine on how to draw 1. old people and 2. suits while designing Rutger. It paid off tho cuz he ended up hot
    I have to say these two took MANY tries to get right (pic 3 & 4 are early sketches). I bought & read every goddamn tutorial book/zine on how to draw 1. old people and 2. suits while designing Rutger. It paid off tho cuz he ended up hot
    I have to say these two took MANY tries to get right (pic 3 & 4 are early sketches). I bought & read every goddamn tutorial book/zine on how to draw 1. old people and 2. suits while designing Rutger. It paid off tho cuz he ended up hot
    I have to say these two took MANY tries to get right (pic 3 & 4 are early sketches). I bought & read every goddamn tutorial book/zine on how to draw 1. old people and 2. suits while designing Rutger. It paid off tho cuz he ended up hot
    Mikael 💙💛🍉@lindebergart

    I'm happy someone pointed out that the art style (or more the colors) matches the period. I really leaned on Always Never and the textures in the paintings of Andy Dixon

    I'm happy someone pointed out that the art style (or more the colors) matches the period. I really leaned on Always Never and the textures in the paintings of Andy Dixon
    I'm happy someone pointed out that the art style (or more the colors) matches the period. I really leaned on Always Never and the textures in the paintings of Andy Dixon
    I'm happy someone pointed out that the art style (or more the colors) matches the period. I really leaned on Always Never and the textures in the paintings of Andy Dixon
    Mikael 💙💛🍉@lindebergart

    I found the deep web of vintage knitting pattern distributors and I'm about to start my granpa era

    I found the deep web of vintage knitting pattern distributors and I'm about to start my granpa era
    I found the deep web of vintage knitting pattern distributors and I'm about to start my granpa era
    I found the deep web of vintage knitting pattern distributors and I'm about to start my granpa era