
    [55 minutes] "i remember now... there was cigarette smoke curling in the irises of his eyes at that time too."

    [55 minutes] "i remember now... there was cigarette smoke curling in the irises of his eyes at that time too."
    [55 minutes] "i remember now... there was cigarette smoke curling in the irises of his eyes at that time too."
    [55 minutes] "i remember now... there was cigarette smoke curling in the irises of his eyes at that time too."

    i have. too many odazai wips

    i have. too many odazai wips

    chaeya interactions based off of the shenanigans i pulled with a friend during our co op matches

    chaeya interactions based off of the shenanigans i pulled with a friend during our co op matches
    chaeya interactions based off of the shenanigans i pulled with a friend during our co op matches
    chaeya interactions based off of the shenanigans i pulled with a friend during our co op matches

    accidentally drawing hua cheng like how italian renaissance artists envisioned lucifer

    accidentally drawing hua cheng like how italian renaissance artists envisioned lucifer

    the prince of xian le's descent into madness #天官赐福 #tgcf

    the prince of xian le's descent into madness
#天官赐福 #tgcf
    the prince of xian le's descent into madness
#天官赐福 #tgcf
    the prince of xian le's descent into madness
#天官赐福 #tgcf
    the prince of xian le's descent into madness
#天官赐福 #tgcf