Justin McElroy@thoughtographic

    After years of training Zell has developed nerves of steel, and is now ready for the ultimate quest.

    After years of training Zell has developed nerves of steel, and is now ready for the ultimate quest.
    Justin McElroy@thoughtographic

    Aloc has got a new lease on his life.

    Aloc has got a new lease on his life.
    Justin McElroy@thoughtographic

    Letifer, bringer of the apocalypse, about to be owned.

    Letifer, bringer of the apocalypse, about to be owned.
    Justin McElroy@thoughtographic

    Dark elf commission

    Dark elf commission
    Justin McElroy@thoughtographic

    This is a good book series. I recommend it if you like medieval fantasy, like game of thrones.

    This is a good book series. I recommend it if you like medieval fantasy, like game of thrones.