Justin McElroy@thoughtographic

    Looking for freelance work. Also open for commissions of any size. Dm or email be for info or questions.

    Looking for freelance work. Also open for commissions of any size. Dm or email be for info or questions.
    Looking for freelance work. Also open for commissions of any size. Dm or email be for info or questions.
    Looking for freelance work. Also open for commissions of any size. Dm or email be for info or questions.
    Looking for freelance work. Also open for commissions of any size. Dm or email be for info or questions.
    Justin McElroy@thoughtographic

    Some more character commissions

    Some more character commissions
    Some more character commissions
    Some more character commissions
    Some more character commissions
    Justin McElroy@thoughtographic

    Some illustrations I did for Tales from the Smoking Wyrm.

    Some illustrations I did for Tales from the Smoking Wyrm.
    Some illustrations I did for Tales from the Smoking Wyrm.
    Some illustrations I did for Tales from the Smoking Wyrm.
    Some illustrations I did for Tales from the Smoking Wyrm.
    Justin McElroy@thoughtographic

    Justin McElroy@thoughtographic

    One character commissions $75 Free shipping within US

    One character commissions $75 
Free shipping within US
    One character commissions $75 
Free shipping within US
    One character commissions $75 
Free shipping within US
    One character commissions $75 
Free shipping within US