more foxtaru #childe

    more foxtaru #childe

    🛑✋STOP👎🚫 Using Anti-Self Language, with Scara and Kabukimono

    🛑✋STOP👎🚫 Using Anti-Self Language, with Scara and Kabukimono
    🛑✋STOP👎🚫 Using Anti-Self Language, with Scara and Kabukimono
    🛑✋STOP👎🚫 Using Anti-Self Language, with Scara and Kabukimono

    fatui beach episode with my fave trio #childe #scaramouche #lasignora

    fatui beach episode with my fave trio
#childe #scaramouche #lasignora
    fatui beach episode with my fave trio
#childe #scaramouche #lasignora

    AH MAN over a year and i still haven't done the continuation. i swear i have it all completely written out and think about it all the time, i've just been busy.. and drawing action scares me.. this is all i have for now, but hopefully the next part won't be another year away

    AH MAN over a year and i still haven't done the continuation. i swear i have it all completely written out and think about it all the time, i've just been busy.. and drawing action scares me..  this is all i have for now, but hopefully the next part won't be another year away

    scara and childe if they were emos. really fun to design. made an emo moodboard, put on a 2000s emo playlist, and then went at it 🦅 i tried to emulate their harbinger outfits, so it helped that they already look kinda emo hahaha (scara's arm guards, childe's straps)

    scara and childe if they were emos. really fun to design. made an emo moodboard, put on a 2000s emo playlist, and then went at it 🦅  i tried to emulate their harbinger outfits, so it helped that they already look kinda emo hahaha (scara's arm guards, childe's straps)