#inktober day 25: Tasty #traditionalart #inktoberprompts #inkober2019 #animals #artistontwitter #cats #cake #sweets #cookies #macarons

    #inktober day 25: Tasty

#traditionalart #inktoberprompts #inkober2019 #animals #artistontwitter #cats #cake #sweets #cookies #macarons

    #inktober Day 30: Catch #traditionalart #inktoberprompts #inkober2019 #animals #artistontwitter #birds #raptor #harpyeagle #predators

    #inktober Day 30: Catch

#traditionalart #inktoberprompts #inkober2019 #animals #artistontwitter #birds #raptor #harpyeagle #predators

    Line art is done! Will color soon #WIP

    Line art is done! Will color soon

    @Pichikeen 🌸

    @Pichikeen 🌸
    @Pichikeen 🌸
    @Pichikeen 🌸
    @Pichikeen 🌸

    @galaxase I'm Caitlin, I do graphic design, illustration, and I'm starting out a webcomic! I also have commissions open Thank you anyone who might check out my work!

    @galaxase I'm Caitlin, I do graphic design, illustration, and I'm starting out a webcomic! I also have commissions open

Thank you anyone who might check out my work!
    @galaxase I'm Caitlin, I do graphic design, illustration, and I'm starting out a webcomic! I also have commissions open

Thank you anyone who might check out my work!
    @galaxase I'm Caitlin, I do graphic design, illustration, and I'm starting out a webcomic! I also have commissions open

Thank you anyone who might check out my work!
    @galaxase I'm Caitlin, I do graphic design, illustration, and I'm starting out a webcomic! I also have commissions open

Thank you anyone who might check out my work!