it always starts off like this

    it always starts off like this
    it always starts off like this

    guys i will never put spoiler warnings on all my manga posts, id end up having to mark most my tweets but i do when it concerns major spoilers like character death etc. - please keep in mind my account is never free of jjk manga content i live for this series

    guys i will never put spoiler warnings on all my manga posts, id end up having to mark most my tweets but i do when it concerns major spoilers like character death etc. - please keep in mind my account is never free of jjk manga content i live for this series
    guys i will never put spoiler warnings on all my manga posts, id end up having to mark most my tweets but i do when it concerns major spoilers like character death etc. - please keep in mind my account is never free of jjk manga content i live for this series

    that's why jogo explicitly tells hanami and dagon in chapter 116 that they will be reborn - their sources are nature itself and since that isn't going anywhere they'll come back just in a different form. same applies to mahito so it makes perfect sense that rika »

    that's why jogo explicitly tells hanami and dagon in chapter 116 that they will be reborn - their sources are nature itself and since that isn't going anywhere they'll come back just in a different form. same applies to mahito 

so it makes perfect sense that rika »

    jogo also confirms this in chapter 116 when he tells hanami and dagon that mahito will only continue to get stronger. this is why he's their leader despite only being born very recently imo if sukuna is the king of curses then mahito can be considered the prince of curses

    jogo also confirms this in chapter 116 when he tells hanami and dagon that mahito will only continue to get stronger. this is why he's their leader despite only being born very recently

imo if sukuna is the king of curses then mahito can be considered the prince of curses

    since megumi respects him i wonder how he is going to react to the news of yuta being out to kill yuji

    since megumi respects him i wonder how he is going to react to the news of yuta being out to kill yuji