Casper Pham@marcheriest

    ye olde ship chart for my space hotel robots (with shoujo levels of drama of course....i'm ALLOWED)

    ye olde ship chart for my space hotel robots (with shoujo levels of drama of course....i'm ALLOWED)
    ye olde ship chart for my space hotel robots (with shoujo levels of drama of course....i'm ALLOWED)
    ye olde ship chart for my space hotel robots (with shoujo levels of drama of course....i'm ALLOWED)
    Casper Pham@marcheriest

    related but my favorite parts are any time he breaks his composure because he's So In Love With His Straight Best Friend. also when he's just like :)

    related but my favorite parts are any time he breaks his composure because he's So In Love With His Straight Best Friend. also when he's just like :)
    related but my favorite parts are any time he breaks his composure because he's So In Love With His Straight Best Friend. also when he's just like :)
    related but my favorite parts are any time he breaks his composure because he's So In Love With His Straight Best Friend. also when he's just like :)
    Casper Pham@marcheriest

    literally bel watching me be up late for no good reason last night

    literally bel watching me be up late for no good reason last night
    Casper Pham@marcheriest

    listen. i could spend years talking about ship dynamics but if i'm being real with myself all i have to do is present this and that's 80% of it boiled down

    listen. i could spend years talking about ship dynamics but if i'm being real with myself all i have to do is present this and that's 80% of it boiled down
    listen. i could spend years talking about ship dynamics but if i'm being real with myself all i have to do is present this and that's 80% of it boiled down
    Casper Pham@marcheriest

    excited i can finally do my comic take on "litany in which certain things are crossed out", a poem i've read aloud in my room for years

    excited i can finally do my comic take on "litany in which certain things are crossed out", a poem i've read aloud in my room for years
    excited i can finally do my comic take on "litany in which certain things are crossed out", a poem i've read aloud in my room for years