Léo Chérel@cherelleo_art

    #Cloaktober 18. Astral Cloak The royal astronomer knew that it was not an ordinary shooting star as the constellations on his robe began to glow. The only question was what kind of omen it brought with its path.

    #Cloaktober 18. Astral Cloak
The royal astronomer knew that it was not an ordinary shooting star as the constellations on his robe began to glow. The only question was what kind of omen it brought with its path.
    Léo Chérel@cherelleo_art

    #cloaktober 20. Merchants Cloak Every month Nadine came back to trade the grimoires and manuscripts she recovered from the old forgotten monastery. Some of them were dedicated to medicine others to fables and history, but she kept for herself those about spicy romantic poetry.

    #cloaktober 20. Merchants Cloak
Every month Nadine came back to trade the grimoires and manuscripts she recovered from the old forgotten monastery. Some of them were dedicated to medicine  others to fables and history, but she kept for herself those about spicy romantic poetry.
    Léo Chérel@cherelleo_art

    #Cloaktober 21. Cloak of Shadows Exhausted, Sire Dagobert dragged himself to the fountain to refresh himself. Then, in his reflection, he discerned the dark figure that plagued him so deeply.

    #Cloaktober 21. Cloak of Shadows
Exhausted, Sire Dagobert dragged himself to the fountain to refresh himself. Then, in his reflection, he discerned the dark figure that plagued him so deeply.
    Léo Chérel@cherelleo_art

    #cloaktober 12. Chimera Cloak His quest accomplished, the young boy returned to his village where he would be greeted as a hero. But on his face there was no pride, only sorrow for having brought down such a magnificent creature.

    #cloaktober 12. Chimera Cloak
His quest accomplished, the young boy returned to his village where he would be greeted as a hero. But on his face there was no pride, only sorrow for having brought down such a magnificent creature.
    Léo Chérel@cherelleo_art

    #Cloaktober 28. Funeral Cloak Dressed in their moon-white veil, the druids perform the last rites to prepare the deceased for their journey across the river of the dead.

    #Cloaktober 28. Funeral Cloak
Dressed in their moon-white veil, the druids perform the last rites to prepare the deceased for their journey across the river of the dead.

