
    Doodling around with Clipstudio for the first time~ [Also hooray! Today/tomorrow is the day! *_*]

    Doodling around with Clipstudio for the first time~
[Also hooray! Today/tomorrow is the day! *_*]

    I've pried myself away from BL3 long enough to work on personal stuff. [Sketch done during my lunch-break at work; then finished @ home]

    I've pried myself away from BL3 long enough to work on personal stuff. [Sketch done during my lunch-break at work; then finished @ home]
    I've pried myself away from BL3 long enough to work on personal stuff. [Sketch done during my lunch-break at work; then finished @ home]

    Lunch-Break piece of a doodle of a thing I wanna draw @ home, cuz working on sunday is "ppbbbbbtttt...."

    Lunch-Break piece of a doodle of a thing I wanna draw @ home, cuz working on sunday is "ppbbbbbtttt...."

    Day 2 of @Dahliadekubowl's #Borderlands3Inktober prompts~ (2. Female Character) Zahnzi Kall-you up for some raids sometime, yeah?

    Day 2 of @Dahliadekubowl's #Borderlands3Inktober prompts~
 (2. Female Character)
Zahnzi Kall-you up for some raids sometime, yeah?

    Ehh, more Zbrush messing arounds~ continuing quick models based on original character sketches (Boy the next ones are gonna be challenging >.>", but this is turning out to be a fun project)

    Ehh, more Zbrush messing arounds~ continuing quick models based on original character sketches
(Boy the next ones are gonna be challenging >.>", but this is turning out to be a fun project)
    Ehh, more Zbrush messing arounds~ continuing quick models based on original character sketches
(Boy the next ones are gonna be challenging >.>", but this is turning out to be a fun project)