soup saw a child jump roping and was so terrified she flung herself in the opposite direction... after which, no other child was to be trusted for the remainder of the day
and i even miss playin' with piss babies... :'( dont know what u got till it's gone
my mental image anytime i see someone leave this comment
Who knew this would still be the mood two years later? 🎉
"Two Headed Calf" written by Laura Gilpin. Drawn in memory of the three little cowpokes we lost along the way. 💔
Funny lifehack that you can use when buying snail wine (snine)
A tribute to my good boy, Huey. I hope we can meet again someday. ??? (1/3)
Visited my fam... She's got da spirit!!!
keep on truckin
Finally feeling ready to share my most traumatic work memory in comic format...