anyway, this one is cute so fuck it

    anyway, this one is cute so fuck it

    I'm too tired to draw something for valentines so i'll leave this sketch here 🥺 #simarkus #DetroitBecomeHuman

    I'm too tired to draw something for valentines so i'll leave this sketch here 🥺

#simarkus #DetroitBecomeHuman

    ok it looks kinda cute ngl

    ok it looks kinda cute ngl

    I was trying to make a short comic but my art style is very inconsistent so I'm not sure if I'll be able to finish it This Simon looks very cute though 🥺 #DetroitBecomeHuman

    I was trying to make a short comic but my art style is very inconsistent so I'm not sure if I'll be able to finish it
This Simon looks very cute though 🥺

    #simarkusweek day 21: Alternate Universe "Really Markus, right in front of my sandwich?" #DetroitBecomeHuman #simarkus

    #simarkusweek day 21:
Alternate Universe 

"Really Markus, right in front of my sandwich?" 
#DetroitBecomeHuman #simarkus