if anyone's interested, here's a quick overview of how i drew this Argos with a couple notes and tips!! it's SUPER oversimplified, but hopefully someone will find it helpful https://t.co/U3PjZCKkQw
little known dilukha lore is that i've been a human artist for way longer than i've been a fully furry artist https://t.co/Q3mC2FPE6N
it's honestly a very simple illustration project, but i don't wanna give away too much about it rn or give estimates either. it's still great that people seem to be invested in the characters/aesthetic though!! hopefully i can eventually share a little more about it 🐍🦁
congrats Metroid fans #NintendoDirect
real conversation i had today
twitter today
i've finally condensed what i like so much about their visual dynamic
thing I noticed with furry boars
i love you violent gator man #SecurityBreach #fnafsecuritybreach
my mom just asked me something and I almost gave a stupid reply