Brian M@LegendofNerd

    Day 23: Oh mystery man, forever trapped in ice. What secrets do you hold? #Inktober2019 #Ancient #YabbaDabbaDoo

    Day 23: Oh mystery man, forever trapped in ice. What secrets do you hold? #Inktober2019 #Ancient #YabbaDabbaDoo
    Brian M@LegendofNerd

    Day 24: No. Yoshi. Please don't. #Inktober2019 #Dizzy #TouchFuzzyGetDizzy

    Day 24: No. Yoshi. Please don't. #Inktober2019 #Dizzy #TouchFuzzyGetDizzy
    Brian M@LegendofNerd

    Day 25: Personally, I'd never eat at this place. I heard the health inspector found a huge rat in the kitchen. #Inktober2019 #Tasty #TMNT

    Day 25: Personally, I'd never eat at this place. I heard the health inspector found a huge rat in the kitchen. #Inktober2019 #Tasty #TMNT
    Brian M@LegendofNerd

    Day 28: And they said going to the moon would be expensive #Inktober2019 #Ride

    Day 28: And they said going to the moon would be expensive #Inktober2019 #Ride
    Brian M@LegendofNerd

    Professor Byleth: Master Strategist #SmashBros #FireEmblemThreeHouses #Kirby

    Professor Byleth: Master Strategist #SmashBros #FireEmblemThreeHouses #Kirby