
    More close shots and teasing of the Young Gardener! :) Introducing a new character in the last panel: Madame Arriv'Orage.

    More close shots and teasing of the Young Gardener! :)
Introducing a new character in the last panel: Madame Arriv'Orage.
    More close shots and teasing of the Young Gardener! :)
Introducing a new character in the last panel: Madame Arriv'Orage.
    More close shots and teasing of the Young Gardener! :)
Introducing a new character in the last panel: Madame Arriv'Orage.

    Miserable dad finally got help!

    Miserable dad finally got help!
    Miserable dad finally got help!
    Miserable dad finally got help!
    Miserable dad finally got help!

    Gentle hands and kind words <3 #theyounggardener

    Gentle hands and kind words <3
    Gentle hands and kind words <3
    Gentle hands and kind words <3

    Pumpkin time, is it too early? Probably. #joxter

    Pumpkin time, is it too early? Probably.
    Pumpkin time, is it too early? Probably.
    Pumpkin time, is it too early? Probably.
    Pumpkin time, is it too early? Probably.

    «There is something wrong with this house. It doesn't feel like home but I want to stay.» I wish you a spooky Halloween >:)

    «There is something wrong with this house. It doesn't feel like home but I want to stay.»
I wish you a spooky Halloween >:)
    «There is something wrong with this house. It doesn't feel like home but I want to stay.»
I wish you a spooky Halloween >:)
    «There is something wrong with this house. It doesn't feel like home but I want to stay.»
I wish you a spooky Halloween >:)