ファイニァ~エムブレム風花雪月 「金鹿の学級その5:継承スキル」 描き始めから結構かかりましたが、やっと金鹿メンバーネタが1周しました。次は誰のネタにしようかなあ、また投票で決めようかな?('▽`) #ファイアーエムブレム #FE風花雪月 #FireEmblem

    #FE風花雪月#FireEmblem#ファイアーエムブレム ファイアーエムブレム風花雪月



    「お願いごと」 私が描いた4コマ、実は日本語わからんという意見をもらい英語版作ってみたんですが、正直私の英語力はGoogle先生を頼った三流英語… そこでフォロワー様の中で日本語も英語もペラペーラな方いらっしゃいませんかー!ニュアンスや使い方間違っているところを教えてへるぷみー(ノД`)






    ファイニァ~エムブレム風花雪月「金鹿の学級その5」 #ファイアーエムブレム #ファイアーエムブレム風花雪月 #FE #nintendo #fireemblem #FE3H #レオニー=ピネッリ #ジェラルト=アイスナー https://t.co/gH5Se2pMc4

    #FE#FE3H ファイアーエムブレム風花雪月
    ファイニァ~エムブレム風花雪月「金鹿の学級その5」 #ファイアーエムブレム #ファイアーエムブレム風花雪月 #FE #nintendo #fireemblem #FE3H #レオニー=ピネッリ #ジェラルト=アイスナー https://t.co/gH5Se2pMc4

    I drew this manga. And I tried to translate this one English for those who can't read Japanese. But, I am worried about whether I can convey nuances since I am not very good at English. Is this really what they want to read? #FireEmblemThreeHouses #fe3h

    I drew this manga.
And I tried to translate this one English for those who can't read Japanese.
But, I am worried about whether I can convey nuances since I am not very good at English. Is this really what they want to read?

#FireEmblemThreeHouses #fe3h

    I can't decide whether to continue trying or not. If its possible I want you to read. if anyone wants to read the continuation of this one,I'd like to get some answers. For example like,comment, point out grammatical mistakes. I have drawn such a manga. Thank you for reading.

    I can't decide whether to continue trying or not. If its possible I want you to read.
if anyone wants to read the continuation of this one,I'd like to get some answers.
For example like,comment, point out grammatical mistakes. 

I have drawn such a manga.
Thank you for reading.
    I can't decide whether to continue trying or not. If its possible I want you to read.
if anyone wants to read the continuation of this one,I'd like to get some answers.
For example like,comment, point out grammatical mistakes. 

I have drawn such a manga.
Thank you for reading.
    I can't decide whether to continue trying or not. If its possible I want you to read.
if anyone wants to read the continuation of this one,I'd like to get some answers.
For example like,comment, point out grammatical mistakes. 

I have drawn such a manga.
Thank you for reading.
    I can't decide whether to continue trying or not. If its possible I want you to read.
if anyone wants to read the continuation of this one,I'd like to get some answers.
For example like,comment, point out grammatical mistakes. 

I have drawn such a manga.
Thank you for reading.

