Ruubesz draw@ruubesz

    I swear it was just supposed to be a doodle...

    I swear it was just supposed to be a doodle...
    Ruubesz draw@ruubesz

    Welp! Guess who just turned into a Gummy Worm??? (You guys said I'd turn into one, so here I am, embracing my new delicious and sexy form)

    Welp! Guess who just turned into a Gummy Worm???
(You guys said I'd turn into one, so here I am, embracing my new delicious and sexy form)
    Ruubesz draw@ruubesz

    Yeah idk I'm weird, Kevin is weird... Kevin would also eat those 11-years-old gummy worms too. But I swear to God I have never consumed paint before, ever! Kevin might've, but I would never! (1/2) #Godzilla #ゴジラ

    Yeah idk I'm weird, Kevin is weird... Kevin would also eat those 11-years-old gummy worms too.
But I swear to God I have never consumed paint before, ever! Kevin might've, but I would never!
#Godzilla #ゴジラ
    Yeah idk I'm weird, Kevin is weird... Kevin would also eat those 11-years-old gummy worms too.
But I swear to God I have never consumed paint before, ever! Kevin might've, but I would never!
#Godzilla #ゴジラ
    Yeah idk I'm weird, Kevin is weird... Kevin would also eat those 11-years-old gummy worms too.
But I swear to God I have never consumed paint before, ever! Kevin might've, but I would never!
#Godzilla #ゴジラ
    Yeah idk I'm weird, Kevin is weird... Kevin would also eat those 11-years-old gummy worms too.
But I swear to God I have never consumed paint before, ever! Kevin might've, but I would never!
#Godzilla #ゴジラ
    Ruubesz draw@ruubesz

    (Also, I feel surprisingly okay, like I didn't get sick at all after eating those gummy worms so... yeah, I'm fine guys!) (2/2)

    (Also, I feel surprisingly okay, like I didn't get sick at all after eating those gummy worms so... yeah, I'm fine guys!)
    Ruubesz draw@ruubesz

    Motivation keeps dying, only doodle dumps... #godzilla #GodzillaSP #ゴジラ

    Motivation keeps dying, only doodle dumps...
#godzilla #GodzillaSP #ゴジラ
    Motivation keeps dying, only doodle dumps...
#godzilla #GodzillaSP #ゴジラ
    Motivation keeps dying, only doodle dumps...
#godzilla #GodzillaSP #ゴジラ