
    More of that WIP stuff... Can't believe this is my first time doing Cosmic Rakan and yes I made his "hair" long, FK U I DO WAT I WAN!

    More of that WIP stuff... Can't believe this is my first time doing Cosmic Rakan and yes I made his "hair" long, FK U I DO WAT I WAN!

    Me walking in the room of "Proud Childe Owners" because I was thinking about finally pulling him but then making my grand exit after seeing Wriothesley and Neuvilette drip marketing and assuming they will come in 4.1

    Me walking in the room of "Proud Childe Owners" because I was thinking about finally pulling him but then making my grand exit after seeing Wriothesley and Neuvilette drip marketing and assuming they will come in 4.1

    *Slowly leans forward.* Is a quote tweet about Xayah and Rakan being married really on the road to becoming my most liked tweet.

    *Slowly leans forward.*

Is a quote tweet about Xayah and Rakan being married really on the road to becoming my most liked tweet.

