KAYRAA 🪅@KayR801

    The second episode is up at p*treon hahaha

    The second episode is up at p*treon hahaha
    KAYRAA 🪅@KayR801

    Sensory overload self-care It can even be triggered when I'm all alone in my room, I think it's nice to acknowledge their presence and deal with it kindly...

    Sensory overload self-care

It can even be triggered when I'm all alone in my room, I think it's nice to acknowledge their presence and deal with it kindly...
    KAYRAA 🪅@KayR801

    neko akaashi

    neko akaashi
    neko akaashi
    KAYRAA 🪅@KayR801

    兔赤 👀

    兔赤 👀
    兔赤 👀
    KAYRAA 🪅@KayR801

    Ahahahaha it seems that I accidentally recreate them in another universe 🤣🥰 (Fresh Blood - Magnet Delusion)

    Ahahahaha it seems that I accidentally recreate them in another universe 🤣🥰

(Fresh Blood - Magnet Delusion)
    Ahahahaha it seems that I accidentally recreate them in another universe 🤣🥰

(Fresh Blood - Magnet Delusion)