
    I think...lineart actually...turning out...good?

    I think...lineart actually...turning out...good?

    cw//implied blood? . . . Boards for me thesis not fully grayscaled but I wanna show a lil bit o stuff because nobody around me knows what my film is gonna look like/what I'm thinking...cause depression this summer, but also i'm more confident in what i'm making than before :-)

    cw//implied blood? 
Boards for me thesis not fully grayscaled but I wanna show a lil bit o stuff because nobody around me knows what my film is gonna look like/what I'm thinking...cause depression this summer, but also i'm more confident in what i'm making than before :-)
    cw//implied blood? 
Boards for me thesis not fully grayscaled but I wanna show a lil bit o stuff because nobody around me knows what my film is gonna look like/what I'm thinking...cause depression this summer, but also i'm more confident in what i'm making than before :-)
    cw//implied blood? 
Boards for me thesis not fully grayscaled but I wanna show a lil bit o stuff because nobody around me knows what my film is gonna look like/what I'm thinking...cause depression this summer, but also i'm more confident in what i'm making than before :-)

    cw//implied blood . . . . . . funney concept stuff + some fav boards from these collages upclose

    cw//implied blood
funney concept stuff + some fav boards from these collages upclose
    cw//implied blood
funney concept stuff + some fav boards from these collages upclose
    cw//implied blood
funney concept stuff + some fav boards from these collages upclose
    cw//implied blood
funney concept stuff + some fav boards from these collages upclose

    I FUCKED UP THE COLLAGE!!!!...AND I DID THEM LIKE 20 TIMES...adderall has failed me beginning is like THIS....dont smoke weed

    I FUCKED UP THE COLLAGE!!!!...AND I DID THEM LIKE 20 TIMES...adderall has failed me beginning is like THIS....dont smoke weed

    I am still working on that Hades Aphrodite drawing its just...

    I am still working on that Hades Aphrodite drawing its just...