Mary K 🧃🐛@Cali__Marie

    Slow progress….👁👁

    Slow progress….👁👁
    Mary K 🧃🐛@Cali__Marie

    Me whenever people say C.S. Lewis is just a straight up sexist for the way Susan's story ends when I saw Susan as C.S. Lewis' stand in and thought a male writer doing that was unusual and allowed for her to be more complex than other characters

    Me whenever people say C.S. Lewis is just a straight up sexist for the way Susan's story ends when I saw Susan as C.S. Lewis' stand in and thought a male writer doing that was unusual and allowed for her to be more complex than other characters
    Mary K 🧃🐛@Cali__Marie

    I wished GoTs' OP credits was a book being flipped through, styled after the Book of Kells/Byzantine/Medevil art. I noticed the Ouroboros symbolism in the Targaryan Sigil already and thought it'd be cool style across the show/spinoffs to continue.

    I wished GoTs' OP credits was a book being flipped through, styled after the Book of Kells/Byzantine/Medevil art. I noticed the Ouroboros symbolism in the Targaryan Sigil already and thought it'd be cool style across the show/spinoffs to continue.
    I wished GoTs' OP credits was a book being flipped through, styled after the Book of Kells/Byzantine/Medevil art. I noticed the Ouroboros symbolism in the Targaryan Sigil already and thought it'd be cool style across the show/spinoffs to continue.
    I wished GoTs' OP credits was a book being flipped through, styled after the Book of Kells/Byzantine/Medevil art. I noticed the Ouroboros symbolism in the Targaryan Sigil already and thought it'd be cool style across the show/spinoffs to continue.
    I wished GoTs' OP credits was a book being flipped through, styled after the Book of Kells/Byzantine/Medevil art. I noticed the Ouroboros symbolism in the Targaryan Sigil already and thought it'd be cool style across the show/spinoffs to continue.
    Mary K 🧃🐛@Cali__Marie

    Gonna give actual advice. So this seems like a pretty standard vintage rolling set was done. We forget to go back and look at vintage print media rather than digital tutorials for accurate recreations of period haristyles, since tutorials were seen in print media like magazines.

    Gonna give actual advice. So this seems like a pretty standard vintage rolling set was done. We forget to go back and look at vintage print media rather than digital tutorials for accurate recreations of period haristyles, since tutorials were seen in print media like magazines.
    Gonna give actual advice. So this seems like a pretty standard vintage rolling set was done. We forget to go back and look at vintage print media rather than digital tutorials for accurate recreations of period haristyles, since tutorials were seen in print media like magazines.
    Gonna give actual advice. So this seems like a pretty standard vintage rolling set was done. We forget to go back and look at vintage print media rather than digital tutorials for accurate recreations of period haristyles, since tutorials were seen in print media like magazines.
    Gonna give actual advice. So this seems like a pretty standard vintage rolling set was done. We forget to go back and look at vintage print media rather than digital tutorials for accurate recreations of period haristyles, since tutorials were seen in print media like magazines.
    Mary K 🧃🐛@Cali__Marie

    Ok I've been thinking abt this for a while but would people be interested in videos abt stuff like this? gesture drawing humans, animals, basic perspective knowledge. Even abt stuff like getting over anxiety when going to the zoo or other places to gesture draw/paint? etc

    Ok I've been thinking abt this for a while but would people be interested in videos abt stuff like this? gesture drawing humans, animals, basic perspective knowledge. Even abt stuff like getting over anxiety when going to the zoo or other places to gesture draw/paint? etc
    Ok I've been thinking abt this for a while but would people be interested in videos abt stuff like this? gesture drawing humans, animals, basic perspective knowledge. Even abt stuff like getting over anxiety when going to the zoo or other places to gesture draw/paint? etc
    Ok I've been thinking abt this for a while but would people be interested in videos abt stuff like this? gesture drawing humans, animals, basic perspective knowledge. Even abt stuff like getting over anxiety when going to the zoo or other places to gesture draw/paint? etc
    Ok I've been thinking abt this for a while but would people be interested in videos abt stuff like this? gesture drawing humans, animals, basic perspective knowledge. Even abt stuff like getting over anxiety when going to the zoo or other places to gesture draw/paint? etc