Beatriz Rebollo Art@BeatrizRebolloM

    More sketches of Liam and Jo. In the last picture Liam is asking her what is she doing and she answer that she's styling his chest hair (in Spanish I found it more funny). #oc

    More sketches of Liam and Jo.
In the last picture Liam is asking her what is she doing and she answer that she's styling his chest hair (in Spanish I found it more funny).
    More sketches of Liam and Jo.
In the last picture Liam is asking her what is she doing and she answer that she's styling his chest hair (in Spanish I found it more funny).
    More sketches of Liam and Jo.
In the last picture Liam is asking her what is she doing and she answer that she's styling his chest hair (in Spanish I found it more funny).
    More sketches of Liam and Jo.
In the last picture Liam is asking her what is she doing and she answer that she's styling his chest hair (in Spanish I found it more funny).
    Beatriz Rebollo Art@BeatrizRebolloM

    More curious cat questions. On my profile you can find the link to my account. I can't write directly the link in the post cause there are bots which send you a lot of spam.

    More curious cat questions.
On my profile you can find the link to my account. I can't write directly the link in the post cause there are bots which send you a lot of spam.
    More curious cat questions.
On my profile you can find the link to my account. I can't write directly the link in the post cause there are bots which send you a lot of spam.
    Beatriz Rebollo Art@BeatrizRebolloM

    Ya le he hecho un amiguito de esos que te amenazan en el comedor uwu. #oc #characterdesign

    Ya le he hecho un amiguito de esos que te amenazan en el comedor uwu.
#oc #characterdesign
    Ya le he hecho un amiguito de esos que te amenazan en el comedor uwu.
#oc #characterdesign
    Beatriz Rebollo Art@BeatrizRebolloM

    On Insta I was tagged to say the songs I relate to my characters and I found it interesting. You can also guess their fav bands. I'm gonna inaugurate a tag to find my drawings on twitter. #rebolliniocs

    On Insta I was tagged to say the songs I relate to my characters and I found it interesting. 
You can also guess their fav bands.
I'm gonna inaugurate a tag to find my drawings on twitter.
    On Insta I was tagged to say the songs I relate to my characters and I found it interesting. 
You can also guess their fav bands.
I'm gonna inaugurate a tag to find my drawings on twitter.
    On Insta I was tagged to say the songs I relate to my characters and I found it interesting. 
You can also guess their fav bands.
I'm gonna inaugurate a tag to find my drawings on twitter.
    Beatriz Rebollo Art@BeatrizRebolloM

    Liam and Rockwell as bonus.

    Liam and Rockwell as bonus.
    Liam and Rockwell as bonus.