Beatriz Rebollo Art@BeatrizRebolloM

    Here it would be the english translation. I did this short comic cause I've been asked in my curious cat who will win a boxing fight between Liam and Dave. It has been a good exercise to practice. #rebolliniocs

    Here it would be the english translation.
I did this short comic cause I've been asked in my curious cat who will win a boxing fight between Liam and Dave.
It has been a good exercise to practice.
    Here it would be the english translation.
I did this short comic cause I've been asked in my curious cat who will win a boxing fight between Liam and Dave.
It has been a good exercise to practice.
    Here it would be the english translation.
I did this short comic cause I've been asked in my curious cat who will win a boxing fight between Liam and Dave.
It has been a good exercise to practice.
    Here it would be the english translation.
I did this short comic cause I've been asked in my curious cat who will win a boxing fight between Liam and Dave.
It has been a good exercise to practice.
    Beatriz Rebollo Art@BeatrizRebolloM

    De cuando estuvo de guarda de seguridad. #rebolliniocs

    De cuando estuvo de guarda de seguridad.
    Beatriz Rebollo Art@BeatrizRebolloM

    The english version.

    The english version.
    Beatriz Rebollo Art@BeatrizRebolloM

    He tried to make a living working as a security guard in his late 20s but he was fired several times. Then was when he met John, who introduced him to clandestine fights and after some events they both became hitmen.

    He tried to make a living working as a security guard in his late 20s but he was fired several times. Then was when he met John, who introduced him to clandestine fights and after some events they both became hitmen.
    He tried to make a living working as a security guard in his late 20s but he was fired several times. Then was when he met John, who introduced him to clandestine fights and after some events they both became hitmen.
    He tried to make a living working as a security guard in his late 20s but he was fired several times. Then was when he met John, who introduced him to clandestine fights and after some events they both became hitmen.
    He tried to make a living working as a security guard in his late 20s but he was fired several times. Then was when he met John, who introduced him to clandestine fights and after some events they both became hitmen.
    Beatriz Rebollo Art@BeatrizRebolloM

    More of the long man.

    More of the long man.
    More of the long man.
    More of the long man.
    More of the long man.